Collected Works in Santa Fe Can Orient the Visitor Quickly

Great independent bookstores have a pulse all their own. Collected Works in downtown Santa Fe stocks works which spell out the various charms of the Southwest. Their sections on local history, area maps, and Native cultures surpass even the museum bookshops. Yet other areas, such as cookery and small business are also on target. One gets a sense of the cultural diversity of the region, but not at the expense of other critical subjects. Collected Works blooms during events like the SWAIA Indian Market, where they gather new and experienced authors for reading and signings. Santa Fe shopping has changed over the years, but one of the greatest finds for the Indian Country visitor could be that short-run guide to the Turquoise Trail or a novel about a struggling Native weaver who learns from Hispanic artists in the Chama area.

Collected Works Bookstore and Coffeehouse, in Santa Fe.

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