
Well, the truth of the matter is that SWAIA Indian Market and the Santa Fe Indian arts rallies of mid- to late August are not about to end any time soon. Indian Market has gone through a number of turnovers, tumults, and trials throughout its history. But what makes the issue such a matter for concern is that this market acts as a breeding ground for new collectors and enthusiast who will purchase and support Native arts. With questions being raised in recent studies of the Southwestern Indian marketplace about the future of Native arts collecting, one has to be alarmed. Native artists still receive a large amount of yearly income from Market. The good, solid artists know how to weather the economic cycles by making products that draw loyal customers.

Fact: Three years after last noting this trend, I see that younger artists are still attempting to ask high prices like the veterans; this can only become a turnoff, unless the artist in question is truly unique in his or her creative vision.

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